CA Standards Integration with PYP » 1st Grade

1st Grade



First graders demonstrate phonemic awareness and apply phonics knowledge to decode unknown words. They comprehend narrative picture books, poems, short chapter books, and informational materials. They have an increasing understanding of print conventions and of the alphabetic principle. They are developing a sight vocabulary of high frequency words. In writing, they are composing sentences and learning to develop ideas in a logical progression.

Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development:
  • Apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondence (phonics) when reading
  • Recognize consonants and vowels including: long and short vowel sounds and consonant blends
  • Blend sounds from words
  • Identify and change beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words to make new words (demonstrate phonetic awareness)
  • Hear syllables, recognize simple word family patterns
  • Hear separate words and recognize rhyming words
  • Learn words from context through reading, writing, and listening
  • Identify and sort common words from basic categories (e.g. colors, shapes, number words, days of the week, months)
  • Exhibit basic dictionary skills (ABC order)
  • Identify and use synonyms and antonyms
Reading Comprehension:
  • Identify and describe the story elements of plot, setting, and characters
  • Utilize illustrations to assist in story comprehension
  • Recognize fiction and non-fiction
  • Retell stories
  • Demonstrate understanding of stories through story mapping, webbing, and creative book reports
Literacy Response and Analysis:

  • Retell a story showing a beginning, middle, and end
  • Recall facts from non-fiction material
  • Identify and describe story elements: plot, setting, characters, from a story that has been told or read to them
  • Independently write a simple sentence
  • Under teacher direction, learn techniques to organize writing
  • Stay focused on one topic
  • Include specific facts about subjects discovered through pictures, prior knowledge, books and brainstorming
  • Use descriptive words, facts and details
  • Edit with adult guidance
  • Use end of sentence punctuation
  • Capitalize the beginning of a sentence, names, days of the week and months of the year
  • Share and discuss their writing (with peers and adults)
  • Illustrate writing
  • Print legibly with proper spacing of letters, words, and sentences
  • Spell simple words with regular patterns (word families)
  • Use computers to support literacy
Listening and Speaking:

  • Listen attentively and look at the speaker
  • Raise hand or wait appropriately for turn to speak
  • Ask a question for further understanding
  • Paraphrase information shared orally by others
  • Speak clearly at an appropriate pace and with appropriate volume
  • Stay on topic when speaking
  • Generate two or more sentences on a topic choice
  • Give, restate, and follow simple 3-step (or more) directions

Our program emphasizes the development of understanding and insight into the patterns of mathematics through the use of concrete materials from the child's world and related paper-pencil tasks.

Number Sense:
  • Understand one and two digit numbers in the base-ten number system
  • Count, read, write, represent, and order numbers 1 to 100
  • Compare numbers using words greater than , less than and the corresponding symbols
  • Count and group objects into tens and ones and use words, models, and symbols to represent amount
  • Know value of coins and show different combinations of coins that equal 50 cents
  • Sequence numbers: before, after, between
  • Demonstrate the meaning of addition and subtraction and use these operations to solve problems to 10
  • Count concrete objects of equal sized groups and divide into equal sets (foundation for multiplication) and divide a quantity into equal sets
  • Understand that simple fractions are numbers less than one
  • Identify, name, and draw fractional parts of a whole (one-half)
Measurement and Geometry:
  • Sort and classify two and three dimensional shapes
  • Use words such as: "in front of, behind, right, left, above, below" to represent position and direction of objects
  • Use non standard units to measure length by using number of units end to end
  • Tell time using analog and digital clocks to the nearest half hour
Algebra and Functions:
  • Solve simple + and - number sentences using blanks, boxes, or other symbols
  • Solve simple + and - word problems
  • Reproduce, identify, create, and extend patterns using a variety of materials
  • Sort objects according to size, shape, color, or other attributes
Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability:
  • Explain ideas verbally and begin to explain ideas in writing
  • Identify same and different characteristics
  • Sort and classify collections
  • Create a chart based on classifications (with assistance)
  • Interpret information from a chart
  • Create bar graphs and Venn diagrams
  • Interpret information from bar graphs and Venn diagrams
  • Experience probability by trial and error
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Communication:
  • Classify
  • Sort
  • Use data analysis
  • Communicate problem solving strategies
  • Find a solution that makes sense

My Community:
  • People and their jobs
  • People who help us
Mapping Skills:
  • Directions
  • Map the community
Parent Involvement:
  • Familiarize child with: Civic Center, Library, Police Station, Fire Station, parks, grocery stores, banks, etc.

Our goal in the science program is to develop ecologically aware students who have an appreciation and enjoyment of science through:
  • Knowledge of the scientific process
  • Integration of science with other curricular area
  • Common scientific vocabulary
  • Common core of knowledge
  • Hands on approach to scientific discovery
  • Application of science and technology
  • Knowledge and respect for hazardous materials
Physical :
  • Motion
Earth :
  • Earth features
Life :
  • Life Cycles
  • Human Body
  • Introduction to Solar System

Singing, music appreciation and rhythmic movement are a part of the music program. Students experience a variety of arts and crafts.


Each child develops large and small muscles, balance, and coordination through body movement activities using a variety of equipment.
  • Basic motor skills
  • Rhythm and dance
  • Game skills
  • Individual and team sport skills
  • Sportsmanship

Your child will have an opportunity to participate in several special programs, including:
  • Computer education, lab or classroom
  • Library
  • Art Docents