Goals of Lexington Spanish Program
(National Standards for K-12 Foreign Language)
* Communicate in Languages Other than English
* Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
* Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
* Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
* Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Dear Parents/Queridos Padres, October, 2014
Bienvenidos - Welcome to Spanish at Lexington School!
Our goal in Spanish class is conversational fluency. We will use a natural approach to acquire language, including many songs, games, physical movement, called TPR (Total Physical Response), role-plays, and simulations such as being in a store or restaurant. The emphasis is always placed on very common, practical, everyday phrases that the students will be able to use in many situations. Reading and writing will be incorporated in the upper grades as appropriate in order to support the students’ language acquisition.
The following is a brief outline of what students will be learning in each of the grades. The Spanish curriculum is coordinated, whenever practical, with the IB unit being studied in the regular classroom:
Kindergarten students will practice basic introductions and greetings, colors, numbers up to 30, family, and domestic animals. They will be able to politely ask for common objects such as a pencil or crayon, learn opposite words like happy and sad, body parts, garden words, action verbs, and clothing. I will send home some of the song lyrics that we do in class so that they can enjoy singing at home. (That’s their homework!) Let me know if you’d like more lyrics.
First Graders will review all of the concepts that were covered in Kindergarten and extend them further. They will be able to tell a little bit more about themselves in complete sentences, such as their age, favorite color and food, and how they are feeling. They will learn many words to describe the school environment.
Second Grade students will write a short book including sentences describing their family members and pets. They will learn more words to describe people and animals, and will learn vocabulary to describe places around town, sports and other activities. They will also make and break a class piñata.
Third Grade students learn words to describe school activities, their home, furniture, and play dates. They also do units of study on Native Americans and musical instruments to support the IB units on these subjects.
Fourth Graders will learn California geography and landform vocabulary. They also practice describing actions, classes in school, time and daily schedules. They learn places in a city, transportation and restaurant words. Then they simulate a restaurant and practice being customers and servers in the restaurant.
Fifth Graders study extended family and perform short skits about immigration. They also learn about countries in Latin America through our new textbook. They will have weekly homework. Please email me with any questions or concerns about this.
We will do some art projects to extend their learning of culture. If you have information about a country in Latin America or Spain that you would like to share – a show and tell- please let me know! I look forward to a productive and enjoyable year with these bright and wonderful students.
I will be here Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Students have Spanish class two times a week. Please do not hesitate to leave a message for me with the office, drop a note in my box, or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. ‘Muchas gracias’ for your support of your child’s Spanish learning!
Maestra Alison Buchter
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Information about the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) program, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and implemented all over the world.
Learn about the IB Primary Years Program and how you can support your child.