
- Ms. Leah has become our Lifelab Garden Coordinator! Students receive Lifelab lessons each week which connect to IB units of inquiry and life science concepts.
- Each class has their own garden planter with a different theme.
- Parents Ms. Ashlyn and Ms. Jackie have connected with Lexington's local refuse company "Green Team of San Jose" to help students learn how to sort trash correctly.
- Every student is trained in sorting trash and works a few shifts for at least a week at the start of the year supporting other students during snack and lunch
- Student Green Team volunteers help students sort at snack and lunch times all year
- Parents transport uneaten food to the United Methodist Church to be distributed to those in need
- Lunch time school wide clean ups
- Weighing trash on Wednesdays and reporting out to the school if we are decreasing waste
- Crayon and used marker recycling
- Twice a year Norwegian-themed "dugnad" community school clean ups and garden maintenance days at Lexington
- Food grown in our garden integrated into snack and lunch meals served in our cafeteria.
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Students at Lexington wrote letters to Senator Beall and Assemblyman Evan Low asking them to vote YES on Assembly Bill 1080 and Senate Bill 54. At the time, the two bills were on the assembly floor and if passed, would require retailers and manufacturers in California to reduce single-use plastic packaging and products by 2030.
Senator Beall noticed this and was very impressed with our LexEcology program and appreciated the civic engagement demonstrated by our students. So impressed, he wants to come visit our awesome school!
The Senator and his staff will be visiting Lexington this Thursday the 21st from 10:30-11:30am. During that time we will have a short presentation as well as the first showing of our informative video of Lexington students taking action and demonstrating the IB practices and Programme of Inquiry created by Lex parents, Todd and Katherine Lehr. We will then do a brief tour of our campus and life lab with the Senator.
Hope to see you there!

Lexington's Green Team had a ball harvesting and transplanting herbs and tomatoes in our Life Lab.Their favorite part? Being able to enjoy and take home the fruits of their labor.


Praying Mantis, Ladybugs and Worms...Oh My!

IB In Motion at Lexington

National River Clean Up Day is Saturday, May 18th

Nature Is Calling
-Economic development
-Climate Change
-Plastic Pollution
-Pesticide Use
It's not too late to make a change...
Highlights from Lexington's Earth Week

Have you been to school to see Lexington's BE THE CHANGE collage? Swing by to check it out and feel free to even add to it. Tell us what habits YOU'VE changed this year to help our planet.Now that's IB in action!
Kinders enjoyed their milk with bamboo straws....And did we mention that our Tuesday/Thursday hot lunches at Lex are almost 100% waste-free? Plates, utensils and napkins are all composted.

Everyone rocked out to groovy tunes while enjoying Ecology books in the MPR after lunch.

Three cheers for the 60 moms, dads, grandparents and kids who showed up to Lexington's Beautification Day last Sunday!

LexEcology has partnered with USAgain (think use again) to collect clothing and shoes in an effort to curb textile waste. According to the EPA, 11.1 million tons of textiles are trashed in the United States each year. Some of the statistics that USAgain shares around textiles are truly alarming:
- Reusing one pound of cotton prevents the emission of more than 14 pounds of carbon dioxide. (That's like driving a car for 12 miles.)
- 1,300 gallons of water (enough to fill 13 bathtubs) are used to manufacture a single cotton T-shirt.
- A third of a pound of pesticides and herbicides are used to grow the cotton used in one T-shirt.
- According to the World Bank, 17-20% of industrial water pollution is due to textile dyeing and treatment.
- Landfilled textiles require years to decompose, and during the process will release the harmful greenhouse gas, methane.
- Clothes account for 10% of the global carbon footprint.
The clothes that USAgain collects are delivered to local warehouses, sorted, bundled and are made available to wholesale buyers, thrift store chains, and textile recyclers. For 5.4 billion people living on less than $10 a day, used clothing is the only option. So, gather up your surplus clothing and shoes and drop them into the Lexington bin. Every time we fill a bin, USAgain not only plants a tree, but they also donate $15 directly to our school.
Learn more here:

The Monarch Butterfly Population has Plummeted 86% in just ONE YEARReasons? Pesticide use, climate change and loss of their habitat (the milkweed plant)How can YOU help? The best way to help the Monarch Butterfly is to rebuild their habitat and give them the food they need to survive.Let's work together to help save the Monarch Butterfly. Look for milkweed seeds to be coming home with your son or daughter.Thank you to Kristen Johnson's second grade for creating our newMonarch Butterfly garden in our Lexington Life Lab.Out goes the deer grass....In come the Brazilian verbena,butterfly bush, chives, salvia and showy milkweed!We're here for you Monarchs!The Lexington showcase of LexEcology to the LGUSD Board of Trustees was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who participated and above all, the Green Team kids who passionately embodied IB and the spirit of Lexington.

Lex's Green Team met on Tuesday. The kids took items that would normally go in the recycle bin and created art sculptures, a fairy house and even a cat toy!

The Adventures of Captain Green
This cute character is the brainchild of Jef Bambas, a Daves Ave parent and talented comic strip creator who will be developing issues of Captain Green monthly to support every Green Team in the district and our cause....Lucky us!
LexEcology is growing by leaps and bounds


Happy HalloGreen!
World Centric Speaker Comes to Lex

To the 18 families who came to Lexington last Sunday for the Fall Beautification Day...
We Thank You!!
And a special thanks goes to David Hubbard who built this amazing root view box from scratch. Wow! Come check it out on the lower field next to the worm compost bin and small outdoor classroom.

While creating the Redwood Retreat, two sunken benches were discovered dating back to the late 50’s and 1962. These concrete benches were created by Lexington students back in the day.
Feel free to come down to the lower field and see all of the amazing changes that are taking place in our Life Lab.
Thank you again to all of those who came to Beautification Day and showed their school spirit!☮️

Here are more photos from Beautification Day.

Meet Captain Green
This cute character is the brainchild of Jef Bambas, a Daves Ave parent and talented comic strip creator who will be developing issues of Captain Greenmonthly to support every Green Team in the district and our cause....Lucky us!Thank you, Jef!

Our First Four Green Team Meetings were a Huge Success!

What are Trash-Free Tuesdays/Thursdays?
The concept is simple...We want our kids to bring lunches that don’t generate any trash. It’s a great way to help our planet AND save money!
Forget the Ziploc bags and tin foil, buy in bulk, skip the individually wrapped packages…You get the picture. (A little pro-tip: pack the lunch in a reusable container the night before school)
As an added incentive, your child will have a chance to win fun (eco friendly) prizes on randomly chosen Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the year! All kids with completely trash free lunches brought from home will receive a raffle ticket and a chance to win.
Let’s show our kids that we are working together to help take care of our planet and be conscious of the amount of waste we create!

Did someone say MORE SCIENCE at Lexington?
LexEcology is excited about expanding our Life Lab/Garden next school year.
Featuring…IB and Core Curriculum based ecology lessons specific to each grade level!
- Compost and Worm Bins - These bins are already up and running and require minimal maintenance.
- Themed Gardens Beds (one per class) - Garden parents will be given seedlings assigned to your class based on the season, along with instructions on how to plant a care for them throughout the year. You will be working closely with the life lab lead(s).
- Green House - We are looking into getting supplies donated for this project, and would love to partner with parents who have an interest in offering input on how to make this functional and effective for the school.
- Fruit/Veggie Harvesting - This can be a fun and integrated part of the garden, where kids can harvest and market the food they have grown.
- Water Conservation - We are looking into a possible water catchment system for the school, via cistern or other means. We need some parents with a passion for efficient water use for our school and its garden.
- Root View Box - We could use somebody who is handy with woodwork to build a simple viewing box for our garden so that kids can witness seeds geminate and take root, while growing throughout the season. We have plans, we just need hands.
- Garden Maintenance and much more!
We realize that this is a long plan and that not all of these things will happen right away, or even by the end of the year. We’re excited to nurture these projects until they are mature, but to make this program successful, volunteers are not just appreciated, but needed! It’s a simple, fun way to get involved and spend time with your student outdoors. We will be looking for 1-2 garden parents per classroom (time commitment 2-3 hrs/month) who will work with the LexEcology and the Garden Leaders to cultivate our kids’ love of learning, nature and science.
Interested in learning more? Excited to commit for next year? Please reach out to Adrienne Cox at [email protected]
Have a wonderful summer break!
We Thank You!
Celebrating the end of the school year with a HUGE thank you to the 23 Lexington families who signed up and participated in OhmConnect this year. Together, these families have raised over $1900 for our school simply by decreasing their energy usage for just one designated hour per week. Thank you for supporting our school and sending a message to our children that we care about our environment.
The Lebleu-Ficara Family
The Cox-Bandaian Family
The Rayner-Goodman Family
The Wilk Family
The Logan-Green Family
The McCalley-Chappelle Family
The Hakimi Family
The Song Family
The Bannon Family
The Garonzik Family
The Swift-Cato Family
The Hickey-Peak Family
The Merriman Family
The Rolinson Family
The Saenz-Lebaredian
The Hedges Family
The Hayes Family
The Fan Family
The Rizzi Family
The Monk Family
The Degraff Family
The Keller Family
Please sign up today at ohm.co/lexingto. If you have any questions or issues registering,
please reach out to Lisa Keller [email protected]
Brought to you by LexEcology
Lexington Families working Together for a
Greener Tomorrow
A HUGE THANK YOU to the 10 moms, 1 dad and kids who showed up to our school wide Beautification Day last Saturday!
Without their help we wouldn’t have been able to:
-Plant our first apple tree along with 10 native shrubs
-Weed the front and back of the school
-Amend our vegetable garden
-Cut back overgrowth
-Clean up trash on campus
Pssst... The District doesn’t do this for us folks...It takes a village.

Garlic bread anyone? Last week we also harvested our veggies and garlic. The garlic bread was deeeelish and the kids enjoyed trying out the different herbs and vegetables that they had grown. Thank you Candice Brown for the countless hours you’ve spent watering over the course of the year. We couldn’t have done this without you.❤️

Our Recycled Art Sculptures

SO PROUD! Please read!
As a result of our Green Action Team (LexEcology) submitting a petition to the Los Gatos School Board with signatures from almost every Lex student and staff member, the Los Gatos Union School District has agreed to ban straws and spork packets (wrapped in plastic), add compostable napkins, as well as implement a district wide Trash Free Tuesday beginning this week! The schools win, the district wins (this saves them $$) and our earth wins too. Huge thumbs up to the Daves Ave students for joining us in this initiative as well.
Hooray for the kids for showing our community that doing the right thing and TAKING ACTION makes a difference!

Earth Week is Next Week!
We will be harvesting (and enjoying) our veggies from our garden as well as having the Green Team (Lex's garbage hauler) come to speak about the recycling process and trash reduction. The Saratoga Library will bring it's book mobile filled with books about ecology and the earth, then do an earth-friendly art project with us during lunchtime. The bike-rodeo will be on Wednesday for 4th & 5th grades and Friday we will celebrate by all wearing green! And don't forget about Lexington's Beautification Day on Saturday the 28th at 9:00am. We can't keep our school looking as beautiful as it is without your help.

Earth Day is around the corner...
Together with your child, check out this link to learn about this celebration dedicated to saving our planet. Take a quiz to find out how green you are are more!
The world's oceans are full of plastic and 4 billion plastic-lined Starbucks cups end up in the garbage every year. These are nearly impossible to recycle because of their plastic lining.
The sheer amount of plastic trash created by Starbucks is out of control -- and is ending up in waterways and other fragile ecosystems.
In 2008, Starbucks boldly told the world it would serve a 100% recyclable paper cup and increase reusable cup usage to 25% by 2015. To date, it hasn’t kept either of these promises.
Starbucks is part of the problem: tell the coffee giant to switch to 100% recyclable cups!
The GREEN STUDENT ACTION TEAM is fired up! Tuesday they gathered 129 signatures from the Lexington student body and staff on their NO MORE STRAWS IN OUR CAFETERIA petition...Wow! Way to go, Guys!
The petition is going to be delivered to the LGUSD School Board. Our goal is to have the District and Board agree to eliminate the "spork packs" that include a napkin, spork and straw all wrapped in plastic (most of which ends up in landfills)
Instead, the students would be offered just a spork and napkin.
And who came up with the idea that kids couldn't drink directly out of milk cartons?
The Green Student Action Team is taking action!
they specifically ask for one.
Our kids are on a quest to educate people about the harmful effects of plastic straws.
Want to get involved and have YOUR voice heard? Forms and info supporting AB-1884 will be available in the school office for you to fill out and sign. We'll make sure they get delivered to our assemblyman next month.
Thank you!
Please Donate
Interested in helping with this project? Please email Lisa Keller [email protected] Thank you!

Everyday in the US alone, 500 million plastic straws are thrown away. They are not recyclable or biodegradable...They remain on this earth FOREVER. Thank you for taking a minute to share these videos with your kids. It's time we all reconsider using plastic straws.
PBS- How Much Plastic is in Our Ocean
Straws Trailer
Mark Your Calendars for our Spring Beautification Day!
Saturday, April 28th at 9:00am
Bring your kids and garden tools for a fun 1/2 day of sprucing up our school and spending quality time with Lex families.
Thank you in advance!

We are excited to tell you about a special program we’re coordinating at our school in conjunction with Crayola. It’s called Crayola ColorCycle – an amazing program devised to turn used markers into energy!
All around Lexington School students and teachers will be collecting used markers that are ready to be discarded. The markers will be sent to a facility where they will be converted into clean fuel. This fuel can be used to power vehicles, heat homes, cook meals and more!
Please help support our efforts by sending your kids to school with any used markers you may have around the house – even non-Crayola brands. Drop-off boxes will be located in each classroom for your child to deposit the markers.
Thank you in advance for participating! With the help of parents like you across the country, the Crayola ColorCycle program can keep tons of plastic out of landfills each year.
Remember, don’t throw out that used marker—ColorCycle it!
Brought to you by the LexEcology Team

Cursing Trash Free Tuesdays and Thursdays? We get it, but it's a small "action" that can make a real difference in the world. Here are some tips to make it a bit easier.
*If you don't do so already, try packing lunches the night before and keeping them in the refrigerator overnight.
*Cut up fruits and vegetables. Children often take 1 or 2 bites out of an uncut apple or banana and throw the rest away. Your child can take a few bites and save the rest for later.
*When shopping, buy foods in bulk or in larger packages. Avoid individually wrapped portions.
*Encourage your children to help plan, prepare and pack their own lunches. They're more likely to eat a meal that they've helped prepare.
Click here to get the PDF poster.