Student Handbook » Attendance


If your child is absent for any reason, please call the school attendance line at 408-335-2185 and leave a message. When leaving a message please leave your child's name, grade, date, reason for absence, your name and relationship to the child. An excused absence is only allowed for student illness, doctor/dentist appointments, death in the immediate family or quarantine. If your child comes down with a contagious illness, please notify the office immediately. We are required to send exposure notices to each family in the contagious child's class.
It is very important that each student be on time to school and class each day. Promptness is not only a necessary courtesy to the teacher and other students but, more important, it assures the child of getting off to a good start each day. Students who arrive late not only lose valuable class time in the office waiting for a tardy pass but they miss out on the morning classroom activities. They also become an interruption to the classroom when they enter it late. Helping students to realize the importance of being on time is part of building good habits for life. Children should arrive before the 8:10 bell rings. Our gates open at 7:55am.
***A letter from the Principal will be sent home to families with excessive tardies or absences each month to remind them about the importance of attending on time and to help find solutions.