Maestra Alison » TK-5 Program Components

TK-5 Program Components


Descubre El espanõl’ textbook by Santillana USA Pub.

Viva el español’ by McGraw Hill Wright Group


Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten;


-Recite and practice basic greetings.

-Identify and name 8 colors.

-Name numbers 1 – 10.

-Identify the names of immediate family members, including mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, and baby.

-Identify garden words including plant, flower, sun, water, earth, tree, fence, rock, and grass.

-Pronounce sets of opposites, including prepositions.

-Sing many songs in Spanish to practice pronunciation and fluency.



1st Grade


-Describe feelings; I feel good/bad/OK/happy/sad/tired.

- Recognize body parts including head, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, ears, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, stomach and back.

-Recognize and use phrases using ‘Tengo’ - ‘I am’.

-Name common school items such as pencil, paper, and book.

-Name classroom objects around them such as clock, window, door.

-Tell the days of the week, and recognize the months.

- Count to thirty.

-Name and recite clothing words.

-Identify geometric shapes.

-Describe weather.

-Identify 13 domestic animals.

-Recognize the personal pronouns ‘he, she, and I’.


2nd Grade


-Read and write sentences to describe family members. Describe people in writing, using adjectives such as; honest, funny, kind, smart, tall, big, nice, etc.

-Identify the most common plant foods, including 11 fruits. Tell which they want to eat.

-Recognize and recite numbers 31-50.

-Describe birthday dates.

-Identify school personnel and places around school.

-Name 6 vehicles of transportation.

-Name places around town, sports, and other recreational activities. Tell where they are going and what they want to do there.

-Practice the alphabet in Spanish and spell their names in Spanish.

-Use infinitive action verbs such as ‘to swim, to run, to walk’, etc.


3rd Grade


-Name parts of a house, rooms, and items in a house.

-Tell about activities they want to do on a play-date, i.e. 'I want to play on the computer, ride a bike, play with the dog', etc.

-Identify and use 20 vocabulary words associated with the Ohlone Indians, including items they made (basket, house, boat), foods they ate, their activities, and their natural surroundings.

-Describe sports and the seasons in which they take place.

-State which sports you like and which you can do ( me gusta, puedo) using first person verbs.

-Name 8 common musical instruments. Tell which ones they can play, and want to play. -Describe several types of Latin music (after listening to it) using words such as 'fast/slow, sad/happy, sweet, lots of rhythm, exciting and expressive. Identify the instruments used.

-Identify and recite numbers to 100.

-Use adjectives to describe zoo animals.



4th Grade


-Describe what you are doing (first person verbs).

-Tell time to the 1/2 hour.

-Learn about ‘Día de los Muertos’.

-Describe pets by color and size. Use adjectives to describe animals.

- Use ‘I went to’ and You went to’ in past tense.

-Identify school subjects, tell what they do in school.

-Identify the city, country, buildings and places in a city. Tell where they live.

-Identify transportation locations; parking lot, train and bus stations, airport, etc.

-Identify food items, and tell what they would like from a menu.

-Read and identify numbers to 1000 and the current year.


5th Grade


-Review vocabulary from previous grades.

-Name and describe extended family members.

-Read in present tense about extended family and friends.

-Perform a skit using basic vocabulary.

-Write simple sentences, with support, about their life, their likes and dislikes.

-Conjugate the most common verbs of ‘ser, estar, ir, jugar, caminar, hablar, and comer’ - to be, play, walk, talk and eat - in present tense,

-Use introductions and greetings.

-Describe places around town.

-Demonstrate understanding of basic buying and selling vocabulary in stores.

-Use vocabulary needed in a restaurant.

-Ask and answer questions about meals and foods.