Pathways to Multilingualism » Pathways to Multilingualism

Pathways to Multilingualism

Cześć, 你好,  Привет, hola, ഹലോ, שלום, hallo, bonjour...
Does your child speak or understand a language other than English? Does s/he use the language with you or other family or friends, but not as often as you would like? Would you like your child (and others) to feel more pride in learning and understanding multiple languages?
As an International Baccalaureate school, we support, encourage, and celebrate the development of home languages as an important aspect of becoming a global citizen. After several meetings last year with a supportive, dedicated, and creative parent and staff "Pathway Committee", we are kicking off Lexington's "Pathways to Multiliingualism" initiative to encourage the pursuit of language learning. This program culminates in 5th grade with the Lexington Pathway to Multiliteracy Award presented at promotion in June.

There are three paths that your family can choose from. You can even choose more than one!


Students may enter the pathway at any grade and set monthly goals with their families to work toward monthly certificates and recognition before their peers.

1- The TK-5 “Personal Progress Award for Additional Language(s)”:  Are you looking to extend your child’s learning of Spanish or another language at home?  This is the path for you! 


2- The TK-5 “Personal Progress Award for Home Language”: This program is designed to encourage any and all students to practice and progress in their home language(s) at home.


3- The 5th grade "Pathway to Multiliteracy Award": This program will be the most rigorous. Students receive recognition at promotion, a special stamp on their fifth grade promotion certificate (including a Santa Clara County stamp), and we hope will encourage your child to eventually seek the California Seal of Biliteracy in high school.

Pathway applications and resources are available to interested students and their families  in the early fall. 
If you would like to understand more about our rationale and purpose for creating this program, read here.